During the global lockdown we conceived of an idea for a movie, brought together (online) an eclectic band of actors, musicians, artists and others to create a true indie.
In a time where so-called ‘indie’ movies cast A-list stars and cost tens of millions of dollars, we represent true independent voices; regular people with cinematic visions and stories to share.
Short Synposis: ‘Time To Die’ conveys the last words and emotions of a diverse group, spread around the world, after being told that a private and powerful elite will be carrying out a global extinction event in the next 24 hours.
Movie Title: Time To Die
Format: 90 min Digital Feature for Independent Distribution
Genre: Indie Sci-Fi
Writer/Director: Matthew Joseph Morreale [IMDb, Vimeo]
Producer: Ana Lucia Alves [IMDb, FB, Insta, YouTube]